Now accepting new members for 2017! Here is a run-down of member benefits: Hello, I want to say firstly that I am very proud of all the...

Meet the Artist: Brenda Leach
Brenda stumbled upon body painting. She has been an artist all of her life, and worked as a book designer after getting a degree in...

Meet the Artist: Jackie York
Jackie York Make-Up Artist, Face and Body Painter

Meet the Artist: Alana Dill
Alana Dill has been involved with art of one kind or another for over 40 years, face painting professionally since 2007 and body painting...

Member Publication
HAC Member Valerie Daft is featured in the December issue of SkinMarkz Magazine! She created these beautiful wing pieces: Model Amber...

Halloween 2015
Halloween was super busy for us! It's the one time of year when there aren't enough facepainters in the area to meet demand. Here are a...
A Models Guide To Bodypainting This is an excellent article written by airbrush...

Meet the Artist: Rachel Levine
I love body art! I started painting people at burning man in 2008 and have not looked back. I love painting people, because you can not...

More pictures from GuitarFish 2015
Photography courtesy of Alan Sheckter The Human Art Collective and Make-up Your Mind teamed up to provide face and bodypainting at the...